IVRJ 2020, "East Meets West: Justice, Law, and Politics" ○開催日: 2020年9月25日(金)~27日(日) ※25日夕方に参加登録およびレセプション、26日・27日に終日の会議。 ○場所: 横浜国立大学 ※26日・27日の朝夕に、横浜市内の鉄道駅と大学キャンパスの間で無料の
は、鉄道駅近辺で実施する予定。 ○プレナリー講師 ダニエル・A・ベル(山東大学・清華大学)[神戸レクチャー] 瀧川裕英(立教大学) ○公募文・応募先・問合せ先 IVRJ 2020公式サイト http://2020yokohama.ivrj.org/
The Executive Committee of the IVR Japan released Call for Papers and Panels for the 2nd IVR Japan International Conference (IVRJ 2020) to be held in Yokohama from the 25th to 27th of September 2020.
IVRJ 2020, "East Meets West: Justice, Law, and Politics"
Date: 25-27 September 2020 Registration and reception scheduled on September 25; plenary lectures and general sessions on 26 and 27.Venue: Yokohama National University Shuttle bus service available between a major railway station in Yokohama City and the university campus in the morning and early evening of September 26 and 27.Plenary lecturers: Daniel A. Bell, Shandong University and Tsinghua University, China (Kobe Lecture); Hirohide Takikawa, Rikkyo University, JapanCall for Papers and Panels and other information: http://2020yokohama.ivrj.org/